I work too much. I'm tired all the time. I... I... Shit. I have no excuses. I just haven't been doing it.
Shame on me, I know.
But I'm going to start writing more. I swearz it. VDGP is going really well whenever I do sit down and force myself to work.
Expect an awesome (I hope anyways) teaser next week.
"Wait, was I mad at Amanda for something? JRM distracted me.... Oh well." *continues
And so Angie will forgive me,
If James Marsden doesn't do the trick, nothing will.
EXCELLENT diversion. A+
Well, the hot dude was enough to tide me over! LOL
Me don't like mustaches. Replace dude with less hairy man and I shall forgive you.
Replace? Never. Add another? Sure!
Jonathan Rhys Meyers is luscious. Can't believe they make guys like that :)
Ah thanks, you're so sweet.
Excuse me while I breathe and gather myself.
It's not working.
God he's so gorgeous!!
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